Papan Tanda Tinta..

Papan Tanda Tinta..

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bicara Hati Kerdil..

Newborn Nur Hasanah Solehah @KBMC
"Ekkk... ekkk..."

Dah seminggu, Solehah; anak saudara ana yang berumur 2bulan, berjauhan dengan Umminya. Jauh Umminya ke Sibu sana untuk meneruskan amanah mengajar anak-anak bangsa dalam subjek perakaunan. Walau sudah berkali-kali meminta supaya diaturkan pertukaran ke Kelantan; di mana tempat Ayah Solehah bekerja jua kampung Solehah, seringkali tidak berjaya.

"Daripada single, kemudian kahwin, pregnant, sampai dah ada baby pun belum boleh tukar lagi. Dah berkali-kali naik turun Putrajaya. Macammana anak-anak nak dididik dengan baik jika dari kecil lagi ibu bapa sudah berjauhan dengan anak-anak mereka? ...", TokMa Solehah melepaskan beban kerisauan yang berpanjangan di hati. Muka kakak ipar ana berubah. Tergambar rasa: Sedih. Gelisah. Bimbang.

Kali ini, usainya tempoh pantang, Ummi Solehah dengan berat hati titipkan Solehah kepada TokMi & TokAyahnya di kampung sebelah Ummi. Kemudian dibawa ke rumah TokMa & TokAbah di sebelah Ayah pula. Bergilir-gilir menjaga Solehah. Sebak saat memandang wajah anak kecil yang suci & comel Solehah. Bagai terselit duka. Nangis sentiasa. Tahu apa yang sedang berlaku ye, sayang? Rindu Ummi ye?

Saat keberadaan Solehah di sini, ana membantu mama merawat Solehah. Bertepatan dengan namanya, sungguh solehah. Jarang merengek melainkan nak susu, poopoo & mengantuk. Umbilical hernia yang Solehah hidapi buat dia kerap sakit perut. Perutnya selalu masuk angin. Tabah ye,sayang. Ummi Su urut-urutkan tapak kaki Solehah bagi lega sikit sakit perut ye. "Emm..", sapa Solehah, sepertinya Solehah faham apa yang ana beritahu.

Minta ditimang.^^
Detik demi detik, ada perubahan drastik yang ana rasakan pada diri ana. Badan teramat lemah walau hanya bekerja sedikit cuma. Bila Solehah nak tidur, mesti ditimang, tak mahu dipangku. Ummi Su gagahkan juga tulang empat kerat ni menimang Solehah. Keliling-keliling ruang keluarga berkali-kali, dah terpejam matanya. Haa, tapi kena jaga-jaga, jika mata Solehah belum benar-benar rapat, diintainya masih timang atau dah letakkan kat tilam. Kalau dapat tahu dah tak timang, merengek minta ditimang lagi. Cerdik sungguh Solehah ni!

Tulang belakang terasa seperti dihentak oleh objek keras, ada juga waktunya terasa seperti direngkuh kuat saat menimang Solehah yang beratnya sudah 4.9kg. Allahu Allah. Sakit menjalar ke bahagian belakang kepala. Kuatkan hambaMu ini, ya Qawwi! Badan semakin lemah. Ada masanya, jantung teramat laju degupannya. Nafas menjadi sesak & tersekat-sekat. Selera makan juga bagai terganggu. Segala yang masuk ke perut, terkeluar kembali. Paksa makan! Badan kena kuat!

Dua tiga hari lepas, telinga kiri mula berdesing, kerap, lebih kerap. Sakit kepala jadinya. Telinga kadang-kala boleh mendengar, ada masanya kurang dengar. "Aku tidak tahu apa yang sedang berubah pada tubuhku ini, ya Allah. Angkatlah sakitku agar aku mampu merawat Solehah & aku kuat untuk beribadah di bulan yang mulia ini." Tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa melainkan berharap. Sesekali, ana letakkan minyak angin di bahagian belakang badan. Tidak hilang sakitnya, cuma ingin menetapkan psikologi minda ini agar tak merasakan sakit dah kerna dah letak minyak angin. Mind power over body.

Solehah kuat meragam selepas diberi injection untuk bulan ke2. Makin nak ditimang setiap masa. "Solehah, tidur kat pangku Ummi Su je ye, Ummi Su penat." Sakitnya membatasi sedarnya barangkali, tidak diendahkan. Semalam, ana lontarkan rasa hati pada mama minta hantarkan Solehah ke rumah TokMi & TokAyahnya. Mama bersetuju. Maafkan Ummi Su ye, sayang. Bila Ummi Su balik lagi nanti, Ummi Su minta pinjam Solehah dengan Ummi untuk jaga Solehah 24/7 ye. InsyaAllah, waktu tu mumkin Ummi Su dah kuat nak timang Solehah walau dah besar sikit. <3

Sudah dua bulan di BumiNya. Semoga Solehah kuat harungi kehidupan ini.
Peluk cium dari Ummi Su. Kita jumpa dua tahun lagi ye.
Lakaran insani insan yang lemah,
@Bumi Kelantan.


  1. It is the Righteous Believers Who are Tested With Calamities
    Though calamities may hit a believer as a surprise, the reality is that by virtue of being a believer one is supposed to suffer. This life is a testing ground, then he should realize that this philosophy will be implemented for him in practice while he lives in this testing ground, and not after he dies. Tests are not just limited to see whether one performs the rituals or not. His belief and commitments to Allah (swt), and his focus in the Hereafter will be fully and thoroughly tested with calamities and afflictions to gauge the depth of his faith in his heart. Achieving Paradise will not be easy. It will come only with unshakable faith and trust in Allah (swt). Allah, may He be glorified, says:
    Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves. (3:186)
    Do men think that they will be left alone on saying “We believe” and that they will not be tested? (29:2)
    Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil); but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. (2:155)
    Ah! To how many believers these verses come out as relief and solace! How many hearts of believers, with wild storms and waves in there, have calm down when remembering these verses! Day in and day out, these verses have brought the believers to tranquility and provided them with strength. Their souls then speak out: “Yea, we are tested because we are righteous believers.”
    To have that feeling of being a righteous believer is very comforting indeed. Do our eyes not always witness the fact that it is the righteous people who always suffer with pain, loss, and calamities one after another while the unrighteous always seem to prosper?

  2. Allah hu Akbar...May Allah grant you patience and strength...Mama want to share with you something mama read...Take time to read, dearest...An individual once asked Sayyid Mawdudi about why many people, despite being good and pious, or apparently innocent, suffer severe tribulations in this worldly life. Mawdudi asked him to consider a beautiful, well-kept garden and its gardener. The garden has many kinds of plants. It is well kept and healthy since the gardener meticulously takes care of it. He trims branches and leaves to maintain their good health. He waters his garden when needed, or withholds water when that is harmful. It is because of such good care that his garden remains beautiful and healthy.
    The weeds or plants that he removes or the leaves and branches that he trims suffer much and complains. They have little or no understanding about their surroundings, let alone the rest of the garden. They complain about their sufferings and do not know what is ultimately good for even themselves. Mawdudi then asked him to compare the garden with the universe and the gardener with Allah (swt). If you a believer having faith in Allah and the Hereafter prepare yourself for trials and tribulations with knowledge from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, for the believer’s heart and soul will for sure be put to test to check the level of faith and trust he/she has in Allah (swt).
    Trials and tribulations is not an end on itself. It is a temporary event and a part of a process beyond which lies the reality of something good and desirable. A believer cannot see that reality immediately with his mortal eyes, but his faith and knowledge makes him fully confident of that reality.

  3. The second comment is actually the first Nur...sorry letak terbalik!
    When Allah who is Great and Glorious loves people He afflicts them [with trials]. (Tirmidhi)
    Anyone for whom Allah intends good, He makes him suffer from some affliction. (Bukhari)
    When Allah intends good for His slave, He punishes him in this world, but when He intends an evil for His slave, He does not hasten to take him to task but calls him to account on the Day of Resurrection. (Tirmidhi)
    The punishment in the Hereafter is much severe – in fact unimaginable from our worldly perspective – than any affliction one can face in this world. Therefore, when Allah (swt) loves someone and intends for him or her to go to Paradise, He wipes out his sins and mistakes and rewards him highly by putting him to afflictions in this world.
    Human beings are created weak (4:28). When a sudden calamity or distress befalls us, we easily become overwhelmed and often cry out, “O Allah! This is too much for me to bear!”
    It never is. The believers should know it for fact that Allah (swt) never puts any burden on a soul that is beyond its ability to bear. Perhaps because we often lose sight of this fact that Allah (swt) mentions this in several places in the Qur’an:
    On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. (2:286)
    On no soul do We place a burden greater than it can bear: before Us is a record which clearly shows the truth: they will never be wronged. (23:62)
    No burden do We place on any soul but that which it can bear. (6:152)
    And those who believe and do good – We do not impose upon any of them a burden beyond his capacity. (7:42)
    A believer afflicted with a severe calamity should take comfort from the fact that those who have strong faith are given the harder trials. This is established by the Prophet (p). When asked about who suffers the greatest afflictions, he replied: The prophets, then those who come next to them, then those who come next to them. A man is afflicted in keeping his religion. If he is firm in his religion his trial is severe, but if there is weakness in his religion it is made light for him, and it continues like that till he walks on the earth having no sin. (Tirmidhi)
    Why is it, one may ask, that people who are faithful and righteous should have to suffer?

    To get an answer, we should ask ourselves: is there any achievement without an effort or any fruit without labor? The obvious pattern that we see in our human experience is that those who work hard and go through the process of struggle are rewarded with success in this materialistic world. The greatest reward of everything that one can imagine is Paradise. In fact, the bliss and happiness in Paradise is so great that one cannot even imagine it (32:17). How can then one expect that he will achieve this greatest success without him being thoroughly tested to see if he qualifies for it?
    The magnitude of the reward goes along with the magnitude of the affliction. (Tirmidhi)
    And the believers will continue to go through trials and tribulations in their life until their sins are wiped and they die and meet Allah (swt) free from all sins:
    The believing man or woman continues to have affliction in person, property and children so that they may finally meet Allah, free from sin. (Tirmidhi)
    That is so because Allah (swt), in His Mercy and Generosity, not only rewards one when he is patient through his trials, but also sheds his sins for the pains and sufferings that he or she goes through. No matter how small the trial or how insignificant the discomfort, Allah (swt) will reward him for that and eliminate some sins.

    If one is afflicted with a calamity, he should remember that our life is short and our ultimate destination is the Hereafter. Therefore, he should remain patient, ask Allah (swt) for help, and remember that he will be meeting Him soon:
    Who say when afflicted with calamity: “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.” They are those on whom (descend) blessings from Allah and Mercy and they are the ones that receive guidance. (2:156-157)

  4. These are not my words Nur...but someone else's...may we both benefit from them...take care dear!


Murobbiah Sayangfillah..

Murobbiah Sayangfillah..
"Dalam mengharungi landasan dakwah & tarbiyyah (D&T), murobbi dan halaqah tak boleh dipisahkan.. Setiap masa dan tempat mesti mencari peluang mendapatkannya.. Agar jiwa da'ie dalam diri sntiasa terarah dan dipandu pada landasan yg betul, bi iznillah.." _Ummi Hasnah Mohamed_
Serangkap tinta Nur susun buat Ummi sayangfillah:
Baja keringat yang ditabur,
menyuburkan cambahan akar cerdik pandai yang menyusur kepantasan masa,
merimbunkan pokok kemajuan negara kian moden buat teduhan insan di bawah didikannya.
Angin berpupuk menyapa haruman bunga kejayaan duniawi yg mekar,
lalu berputik buah kebaikan untuk dituai dalam kiraan amalan kelak nun di akhirat sana,
semuanya kerana baja keringat insan bergelar MUROBBI. Dengan IzinNya, tersemai elok benih insan yang kecil saja saiz ilmunya lalu tumbuh menjadi insan berisi yang bermanfaat buat yang lain; seorang pelajar.
Barakallahu fik...

Seperjuanganku FILLAH Menghiasi Lakaran Insani Diri Ini..

Seperjuanganku FILLAH Menghiasi Lakaran Insani Diri Ini..

Dalam ukhuwwah itu akan terlakar segala lukisan kenangan amat indah, walau terkadang terselit duka & perih pahitnya ujian. Namun, ujian itu lebih mengakrabkan kami, mengindahkan lagi lembaran kehidupan kami. Antara dua saudara itu, pelbagai kelainan yang ada pada diri masing-masing, ada yang cantik, ada yang cute, ada pandai, ada yang bijak dan bermacam-macam kehebatan lagi. Akan tetapi, bila sama-sama melengkapi,semuanya akan membentuk lingkaran kesempurnaan. Mungkin ada waktunya lingkaran itu ada juga sedikit kekosongan di dalamnya dek kerana kami adalah insan biasa, tidak sempurna. Indah kan ukhuwah fillah? <3

My Life My Exam..

My Life My Exam..
A trial.. or real.. Not so easy to change our mind to DO.. but, when we DID it, yeay, alhamdulillah, we'll feel that actually, it's not so difficult as we think, insyaAllah. Go! Go! Next stairs is waiting me, you & us! Allahu yusahhil 'ala kulli hal, Allahumma Ameen.


Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A man set out to visit his brother in Islam from another town and Allah sent an angel to him. When the man met the angel, he was asked: Where are you going? The man said: I am visiting my brother in this town. The angel said: Are you returning a favor? He said: No, I have desire to visit him except that I love him for the sake of Allah the Exalted. The angel said: I am a messenger from Allah to tell you that Allah loves you as you love him.” {Sahih Muslim 2567, grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam Muslim.}

Bedah Hati Soal Cinta Milik Siapa..

Bedah Hati Soal Cinta Milik Siapa..
Dikarang segala gembira, dilakar segala bahagia. Indah tiada terkata, bersama si dia yang tidak halal baginya. Di suatu masa, lara datang menyapa, pedih menahan segala luka. Sudah tak berhargakah segala bahagia yang ditinta bersama? Apakah janji sudah terkota, ingin bersama selamanya? Wahai hati yang sedang 'bahagia dalam lara', sedarilah sebelum hampa, ia nyata hanya silap mata permainan dunia sahaja. Jagalah cinta sebaiknya. Usah dibiarkan disapa oleh yang tidak patut menerimanya. IMAN di dada kata,"Jangan mengada2 bila si penggoda mula berkata2.." Di takat mana, kepedulian kepada jiwa? Lahirkan cinta sebagai seorang Hamba, kepada Yang Maha Mencipta, jua pada hanya yang selayaknya. Jangan sekali-kali berhambakan cinta yang dusta.

Harapanku AnNisa..

Harapanku AnNisa..
Wahai rijal! Bila saat hiba kesusahan menimpa, bagi seorang nisa',mengalirkan air mata dapat mententeramkan hati yang sedang kekalutan & kesedihan. Namun, jangan menganggap tangisan kami itu satu kelemahan kerana itu adalah fitrah seorang nisa'. Jangan sesuka hatimu mengambil kesempatan ke atas kami dengan membuatkan ramai nisa' sentiasa bergenang mutiara jernih. Jangan sesekali sentuh hati kami tanpa ada ikatan yang sah!! Nanti bisanya sentuhan itu akan melukakan hati antara kami di suatu saat. Lindungilah sebaiknya insan-insan yang sering mengalirkan air mata ini.